Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Accord

mmkay, so heres mah attempt at explaining the magical side in detail of course. They are known formally as the Accord: an alliance of descendants of the "first-born", the very first humans that exhibited magical talents and abilities. they base their whole structure and way of life on the traditions of the original human kingdom, a monarchy system based upon two central tenants of Honor and Dignity. their "kingdom" is based in a section of the yet to be named (yuss, i REALLY need a good namer) land which (A Setting post should really come before this, but ehh, ill do that next/later (why yes, i do put things off a lot and use brackets a lot, so ehh) XD) is utterly devoid of resources other than rocks, gems, flora and fauna. this lack of any significant metal source forces them to be very, creative in their utilization of the few resources they have.
Now, as their an alliance of magically skilled people, how would they best use stones and gems? Enchanting of course! They craft elegant and dynamic creatures out of stone, implanting a specially charged and cut Crystal core which is then used as an "engine" of sorts which keeps the whole enchanted structure moving without need of outside assistance. This enchanting isn't just limited to creatures of course, with entire buildings being enchanted, allowing them to be self heating or floating or even self cleaning, if you have the skills and the Gem required to fulfill such an enchant. this leads their cities to be bright, vibrant and full of light, even after dark, for all the gems and enchants glitter and glow with strange, dancing lights that can only be described as "magical" (hahaha, i can hear the cries of "lame" already, but unless you've got a mind-reader and can see what i picture it as, then it would be best to let me continue :D). anyways, their a very Aristocratic and class based society, which leads to a lot of persecution of "lower" people and creatures, such as Dragons (which, we shall be hearing about a lot more often from hence forth :D).

well thats all i can think of at the moment, again its getting late here, i might update this post with more info about them, but my brains kerfuzzled atm so XD
Thanks and hope to see you more!


  1. Sounds awesome! Love the part about creating creatures out of these gems and such (Powercores). And the buildings! (Everyone whats a self-cleaning house!

    Sorry got to finish there, Bells gone!

  2. Each time you talk about writing your story, you will make it harder to write. It becomes less fresh, less downright fun to use your ideas once you've told them to everyone.

    You have an excellent imagination, but that is far from all the requirements for good writing, or my seven-year-old cousin would be on the New York Times list.

    Your next post should be the first chapter of your book. No more talking about it, no more idea sharing or bouncing--you've done plenty of that.
